So many assignments to do and books to read... O_O
Stat220, Acc100, Eng125, Mngt100, Fl100, BLaw100, SocSci100.
Stat220, Acc100, Eng125, Mngt100, Fl100, BLaw100, SocSci100.
Oh student life. I should be in bliss~ cos I chose this.
Anyways, compared to how I use to study in the past, I think I get a bit responsible now. I mean, [before] I rarely read my book in advance or I rarely read books at all. Haha! It's different now though. Because I now know the value of studying. I dun wanna be a cheap class of a person in terms of "knowledge" in the future. :) I must be a reliable source of help in my chosen career! BWAHAHA!
Okies, gotta goes. Bookworm signing in. Blogger signing off [for now]. :)
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